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February 24, 2009


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I'm really looking forward to the panel, thanks for the shout out!


Have you heard the latest freaky news?


Part of me is very worried. I haven't seen much of their work but what I have seen I enjoyed. And is this only the beginning? Up till now Chicago theatres seemed to generally keep being missed by the financial meteorites that were striking other regional companies- yes, some of the asks have been more urgent, and we've had some cancellation of productions, but this is the first company in Chicago I've heard about whose very existence is threatened.

On the other hand, maybe this is part of the natural 'life cycle' of arts organizations. No non-profit theatre company is supposed to last forever (no, Steppenwolf, not even you). There are a lot of companies in Chicago, and maybe it's time we winnowed the field a bit. There's a snarky part of me that thinks this news could be the best thing that ever happened to the Bailiwick.

Gordon, Community Media Workshop

hey Kris,

Thanks for the shout out. Turns out it's not just shrinking coverage of arts, but shrinking news all the way around--according to a whole mess o'journalists who gathered this past Sunday to talk about the future of local news in Chicago. (there's a discussion at windycitizen, http://bit.ly/Bl5L8).

Turns out that the issue of "coverage" is actually part of a larger, generational problem.... on the other hand, as we learned at our January panel, it's not like there was some kind of golden age of arts coverage or a time when it was "easy" for arts orgs to garner attention. So the project at hand is to build something new and better than what we've had before.

Hopefully it'll be a little warmer in March than it was when we got together in January!



If you have the time and willingness to expound, I'd love to hear what makes the three theatres you list as examples of how to do social media right the tops on your list.

Maybe that would be stealing a bit of the forum's thunder, but it'd also help us get what's working in the larger context of Chicago theatre. I am an (ashamed) Facebook junkie, but haven't seen any of these companies come across my wall, so have no context.

Please help.



Some assembly required...

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  • Kris Vire
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