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February 20, 2008


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Scott Walters

Hi, Kris! This doesn't totally address your question. What I'm wondering is, in a crowd of 20, what would have happened if our theatre was put together in such a way that the play proper could be interrupted to actually address these three kids. Not squash them, or yell at them to be quiet, but to address directly whatever issue was causing discomfort.

Rebecca Zellar

Hey, Kris -

Do you know what the kids were saying or what prompted them to start heckling?

We had a group of older teens (17-18) come to see A View from the Bridge from a Cincinnati school and they were perfectly behaved, smart and familiar with the text and theatre ... I've also had my sister when she was in high school and a group of her friends come to see works that we've done in the past and they were fine. I used to go to theatre when I was 13 and I never would have dreamed of acting out like that. So ... I think those kids were what could be referred to as "bad apples" and shouldn't be representative of other kids their age.


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